A Dedicated and Environmentally Conscious Energy Company

About Us
Resourceful Petroleum Canada Limited (“RPCL”) and Rampart Oil Inc. (“Rampart”) are privately held energy companies, incorporated in the province of Alberta, Canada and headquartered in Calgary. RPCL and Rampart are currently focused on the acquisition, evaluation and development of petroleum and natural gas rights within the Western Canadian Sedimentary Basin, with significant funding in place to support their ambitious growth strategies
The companies have overseen a major private investment through the acquisition and development of their 100% held petroleum and natural gas lease holdings, within the gas and condensate rich Duvernay fairway of west-central Alberta and light oil Parkland area of south-central Alberta. Rampart holds approximately 14,700 net acres of 100%-owned and operated mineral rights, while RPCL, having identified the potential of the Duvernay play as early as 2011, currently holds the rights to over 70,000 acres (80 km2) within the Willesden Green geographical location.
Our Locations
Willesden Green
RPCL has invested significantly in acquiring and developing its 100% held, petroleum, and natural gas lease holdings, within the gas and condensate rich Duvernay fairway of West-Central Alberta.
Rampart's Parkland asset consists of 14,700 net acres of 100% operated, 32 API light sweet oil, with current production emanating (90%+ oil-weighted) from 26 wells, utilizing waterflood injection processes.
Corporate Governance
As stakeholders in the Canadian Energy Sector, Rampart and RPCL are committed to protecting the environment and to fostering an environmentally sustainable community of partnerships between our businesses, landowners, local communities, vendors, and contractors.
RPCL and Rampart are in compliance with all relevant and applicable industry regulations and requirements and are committed to being accountable for our corporate governance practices.
Whistleblower Hotline
Welcome to the Rampart Oil Inc. (“Rampart”) and Resourceful Petroleum Canada Limited’s (“RPCL”) Whistleblower and Compliance Hotline, which is independently managed by a third party, confidential and available 365 days a year.
Rampart and RPCL are committed to financial and accounting integrity and ethical business conduct. The Whistleblower and Compliance Hotline allows for the confidential, anonymous submission of complaints or concerns regarding suspected accounting or auditing irregularities or unethical behaviour impacting either company, including, without limitation, breaches of the Business Code of Conduct (including violations relating to harassment or workplace violence), criminal activity, violations of applicable securities laws, actions that endanger health or safety or that are likely to cause environmental damage, and actions that have the effect of concealing the foregoing. The hotline also allows you to anonymously receive information about RPCL and Rampart’s response to your concern.
There are two easy ways to contact the Whistleblower and Compliance Hotline.
1. By Telephone: 1-800-661-9675
2. Web link: resourcefulpetroleum.confidenceline.com